All Nomination Forms must be filled out at National Awards Nomination Form.

The closing date for the receipt of nominations for National Awards is May 19th ,2024


There are five (5) categories of National Awards for which an individual may be nominated:

  • Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago which may be awarded to any person who has rendered distinguished and outstanding service to Trinidad and Tobago: O.R.T.T.;
  • Chaconia Medal which may be awarded to any person who has performed long and meritorious service to Trinidad and Tobago tending to promote the national welfare or strengthen the community spirit: C.M.T.T.;
  • Hummingbird Medal which may be awarded to any person who has rendered loyal and devoted service beneficial to Trinidad and Tobago in any field of human endeavour or for gallantry or other humane action: H.B.M.;
  • Medal for the Development of Women which may be awarded to any person for outstanding contribution to the development of women’s rights and issues: M.D.W.;
  • Medal of Merit which may be awarded for outstanding and meritorious service in the Public Service, the Defence Force and Protective Services or service within Statutory Bodies performing national functions: M.O.M.


  • Nominations are made for National Awards by members of the public to the National Awards Committee.
  • The National Awards Committee considers those nominations and forwards its recommendations to the Prime Minister.  The Committee must be satisfied that there are no integrity issues in relation to the nominee that could bring the National Awards into disrepute.
  • The Prime Minister considers the recommendations of the National Awards Committee and may or may not accept and may add to them.  The Prime Minister advises the President accordingly.
  • The President makes the award on the advice of the Prime Minister, subject to the consent of the recommended nominee.
  • All persons selected to receive National Awards are contacted by the Office of the President by phone or email, before the event to recognize honourees takes place.


  • Nomination forms are available at: and are for ONLINE completion and submission only.
  • Under no circumstances will forms that are not submitted through the online mechanism be considered.
  • You will receive a receipt at the end thanking you for your submission.  At that stage, your form would have been received at the Office of the Prime Minister.
  • If in trying to submit the form, you do not succeed, you will need to restart the process, and insert all the information again.  Unless the form is registered on our online database, with a date and time of receipt, it will not be accepted.  A screenshot of the nomination form, a replica of the form in an application such as Microsoft Word, an email of the scanned printed version of the form are all NOT acceptable.
  • ONLY FORMS SUBMITTED ONLINE WILL BE CONSIDERED.  Hard copy forms will NOT be accepted at the Office of the Prime Minister.
  • The closing date for receipt of nominations is: May 19th, 2024.  The form must be submitted ONLINE by the closing date.  Please note that nominations submitted after the closing date will NOT be accepted.


  • The nominator will need to provide personal information about the nominee and his/her contributions within the sphere of activity.
  • Please select the award being recommended from the list below to view the information required to complete the form: 

Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Chaconia Medal

Hummingbird Medal

Hummingbird Medal (Gallantry)

Medal of Merit

Medal for the Development of Women


Click on the following link to complete the nomination form: National Awards Nomination Form.