Guidelines to access grant funding for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) inclusive of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)/Community-Based Organisations (CBOs)


Non-Governmental Organisations / Community-Based Organisations / Faith-Based Organisations working in the area of domestic violence or gender-based violence (inclusive of services, programmes, initiatives etc.) for at least two (2) years are invited to apply for grant funding under the Survivors Transformation and Empowerment Programme.

1) Organisations MUST meet the following criteria:

a) Be a non-profit organisation;

b) Be registered with the Ministry of Legal Affairs or another Ministry/agency;

c) Have a formal structure in place comprising a Board of Directors or Management Committee which is the main decision-making arm of the organisation;

d) Demonstrate the capacity to mobilise funds from alternative sources and to manage these funds effectively and efficiently

e) Have a bank account with two (2) signatories in the name of the organisation;

f)  Have management accounts or audited financial statements for a minimum of two (2) years;

g) Have at least two (2) years’ experience in delivering capacity-building programmes; and

h) Not be in receipt of an existing government subvention/grant for the same service/project.


2) Submission and processing of application:

Interested organisations must submit a Training Plan that includes:

  •  training programme components
  •  duration of the training
  • type of certification
  • training providers and their training delivery experience
  • number of persons who will benefit from the training
  • detailed breakdown of the projected expenditure
  • timeline for implementation

Download the Training Plan template here

3) Successful applicants must:

a). Take part in an orientation and planning workshop hosted by the Gender Division as a condition to receive the grant;

b). Ensure that trainees are victims/survivors of domestic violence or gender-based violence and satisfy the other requirements set out by the Gender and Child Affairs Division;

c). Provide the human resources, physical accommodation, furniture, stationery and other supplies necessary for the execution of the training programme;

d). Allow site visits and project monitoring (announced and unannounced) by officers assigned by the Permanent Secretary, Gender and Child Affairs;

e). Ensure that all funds are utilised for the purpose for which they were approved;

f). Enter into legal agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the grant funding; and

g). Comply with the terms and conditions of the legal agreement.


4) Monitoring and evaluation:

The organisation must be able to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in keeping with their proposal, the aims and objectives of the STEP, and the terms and conditions of the legal agreement. The following must be adhered to:



a) Shall maintain an electronic and paper-based file of all programme beneficiaries. This file must contain the following for each beneficiary:

  • Application form of the beneficiary (Download the template here)
  • Copy of beneficiary’s national identification card;
  • Proof of address (dated no more than three months from the date of application);
  • Other reports/documents related to the beneficiary.

b) Shall maintain a trainee attendance register. Beneficiaries shall be required to sign in and sign out for each session/day of training;

c) Must adhere to reporting requirements, providing regular updates on the progress of the training programme;

d) Shall submit project financial statements as required by the Permanent Secretary, Gender and Child Affairs; and

e) Shall submit project completion reports with achievements and recommendations.


5)  Application Checklist:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Bank Account Information
  • Audited Financial Statements for a Minimum of Two (2) Years
  • Organisational Structure
  • Training Plan