Guidelines to access grant funding for establishing or improving micro/small business


1) The Applicant MUST meet the following criteria:

a) Be 18 years and over;

b) Be a citizen/resident of Trinidad and Tobago, in accordance with the Immigration Act;

c) Be a victim/survivor of domestic violence or gender-based violence;

d) Not be currently employed other than being employed in an existing micro/small business;

e) Not be a previous beneficiary, or be awaiting the outcome of an application for a similar service from another Ministry/agency.


i) Notwithstanding d) above, an applicant may be self-employed and desirous of expanding to ensure the sustainability and profitability of their business enterprise. In this case, the grant funding, valued at a maximum of $10,000, shall be used exclusively for direct business-related purposes, such as purchasing material, equipment, marketing, etc. Material can also mean inputs for the expansion/repairs of physical facilities. An applicant can only access this grant ONCE.


2) Submission and Processing of Application:

a). Application forms must be completed and submitted to the Chair of the Grants Review Committee. Once an applicant qualifies, such person will be  invited to submit a Business Proposal. The Business Proposal must be detailed and include the nature of the business, its viability, and the intended use of the grant funds.The Proposal should include a budget plan, projected financials, and a timeline for implementation.

The Business Proposal must demonstrate how the business venture will contribute to personal empowerment and financial independence, highlighting the role it will play in overcoming the challenges posed by domestic violence or gender-based violence.(Download the business proposal template for a new business here) or (Download the business proposal template for an existing business here)