Nominator's Personal Information:
- Name (correct name); date of birth; phone number; whether nominee is a citizen or permanent resident of Trinidad and Tobago; if nominee is not a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, country of citizenship; whether nominee has dual citizenship and in which country.
- Email address; occupation; home address; business address; whether nominee is the holder of a national award and which award in Gold, Silver, or Bronze; year given; sphere of activity for which award was given.
- Sphere of activity for which award is being recommended in the current year; number of years involved in sphere of activity; recommended award; whether the nominee was nominated by you in a previous year and in which year.
- Note that “sphere of activity” refers to the type of activity in which the nominee has made an outstanding contribution, such as sport, culture, arts, education, history.
- Soft copy of resumé to upload
Nominator’s Personal Information:
- Whether the nomination is being made by an individual or organization.
- If nomination is being made by an individual: nominator’s name, email address, home address, occupation.
- If nomination is being made by an organization: organization’s name, representative’s name, email address, business address, occupation.
Accolades Received:
- Recognition for contributions made, which may have been received as awards, medals or certificates will be accepted as accolades. You will need the name of the organization that issued the award/medal/certificate, the name of the award/medal/certificate (reason for the recognition), and the year in which it was given.
- Academic certificates should not be included as accolades. The nominee’s academic achievements such as degrees, diplomas and other such certificates will be more appropriately highlighted within the nominee’s resumé. The nominee’s appointments to boards, committees, associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations should also be included in the resumé.
Testimonials (Letters of Support):
- Names and email addresses of recommenders: such persons should be relatively senior and well-known in the profession.
- The nominator should provide recommenders with the associated award description and criteria to assist them in framing their letters.
- Testimonials for nominees for the Chaconia Medal should be from persons who are familiar with the nominee’s work/service in the sphere in which they are being nominated.
The nominator is required to write three (3) essays of 800 words each in the boxes provided within the online form. Taking the award criteria into account, make sure you provide clear and specific responses regarding the nomination.
The guidelines below are recommended for a strong submission in support of your nominee:
- Read the criteria carefully for the category in which you are submitting your nominee: the nominee must clearly meet the requirements identified for the category of award for which he/she is being recommended. Prepare the nomination to ensure that the nominee meets all of the appropriate award criteria.
- Make the most of your 2400 words (800 words per essay): be as specific and detailed as you can in formulating your answers.
- The primary focus should be on efforts within Trinidad and Tobago. Regional and/or international involvements will be considered but cannot substitute for national involvement. Note the criteria for the various award categories.
- Describe how the nominee has made a difference in Trinidad and Tobago. Cite specific examples of the nominee’s impact on Trinidad and Tobago. State evidence of dedication, innovation, creativity and vision. Include how the nominee inspires and motivates others to act charitably. Identify ongoing activities.
- Research and state what your nominee is doing in groups: collaborate with others to determine the extent of your nominee’s involvement in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other volunteer activities.
- Paint a story about your nominee in your essays: generate enthusiasm for the person.
- Prepare your nomination as though the Committee does not know the nominee.
In the first essay, you will provide information on the significant achievements of the nominee in the sphere of activity in which the recommendation is being made. State the ways in which the nominee’s contribution was national in scope and impinged on national development.
For the second essay, you need to identify how the nominee’s achievements/contributions stand out from others in the sphere of activity for which the award is being recommended.
In the third essay, you are required to highlight the extent to which the nominee has been influential in the sphere of activity.
Your answers to the three (3) essays should include:
Professional Excellence:
- Impact of the nominee’s contributions within the profession/industry.
- The nominee’s professional publications (peer reviewed books and chapters). You may highlight those that are often used as reference material.
- Musical artistes - provide list of performances including competitions entered, and where performed.
- Designers – indicate designs done and in which format, for example, jewellery, mas, beauty queen gowns, etc.
- Chefs – state any food or drink that you have created and which have become popular, also indicate any major restaurants where you may have worked.
- Ground-breaking research, significant findings, changes in the interpretation and practice of elements of the nominee’s profession that have arisen because of the nominee’s contributions.
- The nominee’s interaction with the media - identify the public presentations, lectures, television appearances, articles in newspapers and journals that the nominee may have done.
- Names of persons (students and peers) whom the nominee may have mentored. You can also provide email addresses so that the information can be verified, if necessary.
- Professional associations in which the nominee has been a member within Trinidad and Tobago, regionally and internationally.
- Any advocacy in which the nominee has been engaged, including supporting a cause, seeking change, implementing a policy, etc.
- Nominee’s input in the development of any public policies.
- How the nominee is viewed within the industry/profession. You can also provide names and email addresses of persons whom you may have interviewed so that the information can be verified, if necessary.
- Opportunities that became available to others in the industry/profession as a result of the nominee’s involvement/contributions.
- Extent of the nominee’s contributions in time, finance, material, other resources.
- Whether the nominee is a founder of any non-governmental organization (NGO): number of years of involvement, purpose of the NGO, activities undertaken.
- Involvement in other NGO’s: purpose of the NGO, number of years of involvement, nominee’s role in the organization, outcome/impact of the nominee’s volunteerism.
- Voluntary service given to governmental organizations.