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About the programme
The Survivors Transformation and Empowerment Programme (STEP) aims to provide tangible support to victims and survivors of domestic violence and gender-based violence through the provision of grants for education, training, and enhancing or starting a micro/small business. Through these grants, victims and survivors will gain access to crucial resources and assistance aimed at promoting financial independence.
Applying for STEP
Victims/survivors of domestic violence or gender-based violence, as well as civil society organisations actively engaged in addressing domestic violence or gender-based violence issues for a minimum of two (2) years, are encouraged to submit applications for grant funding through the Survivors Transformation and Empowerment Programme.
All beneficiaries of the STEP must:
- Be 18 years and over;
- Be a citizen/resident of Trinidad and Tobago, in accordance with the Immigration Act;
- Be a victim/survivor of domestic violence or gender-based violence; and
- Not be a previous beneficiary, or be awaiting the outcome of an application for a similar service from another Ministry/agency.

Support to CSOs/NGOs
We support organisations committed to training victims of domestic violence or gender-based violence by offering grants of up to $50,000.00. The training provided should be tailored to focus on specific marketable areas, ensuring that participants are equipped with the knowledge and expertise necessary to capitalise on emerging business opportunities.
Interested organisations must submit the relevant application form and a Training Plan for consideration. The Training Plan must be detailed and include the:
- training programme components

- duration of the training
- type of certification
- training providers and their training delivery experience
- number of persons who will benefit from the training
- detailed breakdown of the projected expenditure
- timeline for implementation

Scholarship Programme
We offer scholarships of up to $10,000.00, specifically tailored to assist those impacted by domestic violence or gender-based violence. These scholarships are designed to facilitate access to technical/vocational training or academic pursuits, equipping men and women with the skills necessary to establish and sustain micro/small businesses. Individuals must complete and submit the relevant application form to the Grants Review Committee, with the following supporting documents:
Small Business Grant
The programme extends its support to small businesses through grants of up to $10,000.00, aimed at facilitating both startup ventures and business enhancements. Our grant process recognises the diverse needs and potential of each applicant. Special emphasis is placed on bolstering logistical resources essential for the sustained functioning of businesses over the long term.
Individuals must submit the completed application form to the Grant Review Committee, with the relevant supporting documents. Once an applicant qualifies, they are required to submit a Business Proposal that outlines:
- nature and viability of business
- intended use of grant funds
- budget plan and projected financials
Want to learn more ?
We appreciate your interest in the Survivors Transformation and Empowerment Programme. If you'd like to delve deeper into the programme and discover how it could positively impact you, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information provided below.
Call us at 622-1625 ext. 4264 / 4352 to Email us at STEP.GCA@gov.tt
find out more