The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is an international bill of rights for women. It was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly and, defines what constitutes discrimination against women. Additionally, it sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination. CEDAW was ratified by Trinidad and Tobago in 1989. In doing so, Trinidad and Tobago committed itself to undertake measures which would end discrimination against women.
Under the convention, States are obliged to submit a report on the legislative, judicial, administrative and other measures that they have adopted to implement the Convention. This is done within a year after its entry into force, and then at least every four years thereafter. The report is considered by a Committee of Experts on the Convention who then engage the State in a formal dialogue on their submission.
On Monday 18th July, 2016, the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (Gender and Child Affairs) led a delegation in a constructive dialogue with the Committee of Experts on Trinidad and Tobago’s combined 4th- 7th Report on CEDAW. This delegation comprised members of the Office of the Prime Minister, as well as, a number of other Ministries whose substantive areas impact on the human rights of women and girls in Trinidad and Tobago. These areas included education, health, labour, national security, social development and family services among others.
Out of this dialogue has emerged the Committee’s Concluding Observations on Trinidad and Tobago’s report. These observations provide an assessment of the progress and setbacks in the implementation of the Convention within the nation, and more importantly, offers recommendations to improve the quality of lives for our women and girls.
The full text of the Concluding Observations of the Committee to CEDAW on Trinidad and Tobago’s combined 4th-7th Report can be accessed via the link below.